Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Episode Guide, Year Four, shows 21 to 24
Production information and notes by Mark Phillips
Story synopses, Mike Bailey

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Savage Jungle

Flaming Ice
Edge Of Doom

Savage Jungle  (Airdate: February 25, 1968)
     Seemingly behind every astronomical bush, Aliens are again on Earth's doorstep, here to take over.  Italy is the first target in a campaign to transform earth to a prehistoric-like state; the result is a thick alien jungle spreading like wildfire across the land and under the sea.  
Keeler, a new 'man' in the reactor room has a secret backup crew of silver-faced, alien jungle fighters.  When no one is looking, he plays with the reactor and air revitalization settings to heat up Seaview and prime its air for the alien plants he looses on the sub.  The crew soon find themselves fighting the invasive vegetation as well as Keeler and his goons for survival.  Keeler plans to use Seaview's missiles to spread the alien plant life planet wide.  Nelson, Crane & company must overcome the aliens and kill the spreading jungle with a gamma ray device which Nelson has tinkered together in the lab.    

Who would guess that Keeler was a vegetarian?
Jungle In a Box, the source of Keeler's on-board infestation

Nifty new special effects in Season Four.
Seaview enters an undersea Savage Jungle..


Written: Arthur Weiss
Directed: Robert Sparr
Guest Cast
Keeler...........................Perry Lopez
Soldier #1.................Patrick Culliton
Soldier #2.....................Nick Dimitri
Soldier #3... Darryl Scott McFadden

Keeler and backup (who have the blues).
Aliens ready to turn on the heat in Savage Jungle.
Perry Lopez as Keeler. 
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Mark says:
  ABC considered this one of the best episodes of year four. Seeing the interior of Seaview consumed by prehistoric plants is interesting.  During one scene where Seaview is being rocked, you can see Del Monroe (Kowalski) laughing about something, unaware that he’s on camera.

Mike says:  Wow--more new effects footage.  The shots of Seaview in the jungle kelp bed are very well done.  Perry Lopez as Keeler is effectively troubling and the dialogue is more intelligent than that in many of the later-season alien invasion episodes.  

Flaming Ice  (Airdate: March 3, 1968)
     Crashing Arctic ice announces to the men of Seaview the latest alien invasion.  Alien Frost Men need Seaview's reactor as a power source for their damaged ship and they have no compunctions about demanding it.  Their heat transfer process, employed to keep them cold, is melting ice all over the place, and raising hell with Earth's weather.  After Sharkey kills one of the aliens, he and Nelson are frozen into suspended animation and taken to the Frost men's base.  Nelson is thawed out and informed of their leader, Gelid's, demands.  First Gelid tries to freeze all aboard Seaview, then he turns on the heat.  He makes his way to the reactor room and gets the fuel rods he needs for his ship to escape, but, with Seaview and her crew saved from fire and ice, Nelson blasts the saucer out of the sky even as it's headed back into space. 

Written: Arthur Browne, Jr.
Directed: Robert Sparr
Guest Cast
Gelid...........................Michael Pate
Frost Man #1.............Frank Babich
Frost Man #2......George Robotham
Frost Man #3...................Phil Barry

                Seaview once again bashed
                by familiar looking Arctic Ice  bluebul.gif - 266 Bytes
    Care for ice in your drink?

Mark says: At one point, snow actually falls in the control room as the crew keels over from the cold.  Is it never explained why Nelson blasts the departing flying saucer out of the sky or was it just good old fashioned revenge?* 

*Please note--site visitor Scott McIntyre clarifies the ending of this episode: Nelson returns to the Seaview and Sharkey points out Gelid's ship about to take off. Nelson realizes he is going to leave the ice cap aflame. Once aboard Seaview, Nelson hurries to the laser control, knowing he has only one chance to stop Gelid. He fires as the spaceship takes off, blowing it to smithereens. With the destruction of the alien craft, the polar cap fires subside and the temperature returns to normal, stopping the flooding of the world.

Mike says:  Darn nice ice-cave sets with Seaview's conning-tower prop hauled out of storage and put to use.  When Gelid fires his weapon, an electrical discharge is animated into the scene, rather than just a sound effect accompanied by a flash of offstage light--little touches that add to the verisimilitude.  Still, not one of my favorites.

Attack  (Airdate:March 10, 1968)
     This episode begins with a bang--the destruction of the Pacific Fleet by (for the third successive week) space-aliens.  Nelson and Kowalski, subsequently out reconnoitering in the flying sub, are then captured by the aliens.  On Seaview, a human-appearing alien named Robek claims to want to help save Earth.  He offers to lead Crane and his men to the alien base but winds up in the brig.  After the requisite see-saw action, Robek is shot and apparently killed and his drawings of the alien base destroyed; Kowalski, mysteriously back from captivity turns out to be the killer--obviously under alien control.  Crane and Sharkey, working from impressions on a blotter, deduce Robek's drawings and head to the alien base where they are promptly captured by Komal.  Before the captives can be killed, a recovered Robek shows up to free and then guide them to the base where Nelson reprograms the alien attack so their ships will explode within the base.  Seaview is caught in the eventual blast but survives.  Not so for Robek, who is killed.  Alas, poor Robek, we knew him well.

Written: William Welch
Directed: Jerry Hopper
Guest Cast
Robek.......................Skip Homeier
Komal........................Kevin Hagen
Aliens....................Denver Mattson
                                   Troy Melton

        Fanciful matte painting of alien
        saucers was partially animated.  bluebul.gif - 266 Bytes

  Nifty matte painting of flying-saucers.

Mark says:  The idea of Robek being a peace-loving alien reflected the division over the Vietnam war at the time - a nation torn between the hawks (military proponents) and the doves (hippies and university students opposed to war). Unfortunately, Robek and his philosophy are not very well developed. There’s a fantastic shot of a fleet of flying saucers hovering in a giant cavern. This semi-animated matte painting was originally created for Irwin Allen’s unsold pilot, Man From the 25th Century (see above). 

What do you think of our nifty new winter threads? Mike says:  A) OK, so how do we replace the Pacific Fleet?  B) The black box in which Nelson and Sharkey are initially held captive was a budget-saving, but very effective device.  C) It's a pity William Woodfield Read wasn't given the opportunity and a free hand to write the dialogue for this episode.  D) Note to wardrobe--enemy space-aliens never to be garbed in purple again.

The Edge of Doom   (Airdate: March 17, 1968)
     General Beaker warns Nelson that Seaview, about to leave on an important mission, may come under attack and that Captain Crane may have been replaced by an imposter.  Thus, Nelson is ordered to try to break the captain.  Nelson agrees under strong protest, and brings Sharkey and Morton in on the charade.  Elsewhere on Institute grounds, a Seaview crew member is seen slugged from behind by an enemy agent who takes the fallen man's place.  Nelson impatiently waits for Sharkey to come aboard so they can begin the mission.  He finally does, and as they embark, a calculated plan to break Crane goes into effect.  Crane endures one set-up after another, but tries to control his anger.  Sharkey is actually the replacement, and he works to make Crane appear a liar and a fool.  At the climax, Seaview is attacked by an enemy sub and Sharkey revealed to be the enemy agent in clever disguise. 

Written: William Welch
Directed: Justus Addiss
Guest Cast
General................................Tyler McVey
Helmsman...........Darryl Scott McFadden

   CPO Sharkey or ???  bluebul.gif - 266 Bytes
       Chief Sharkey as bad-guy. This must have been a fun switch for Terry Becker.

Mike says:  Richard Basehart was an actor, and a damn good one, but in the context of the series, Admiral Nelson was an admiral, not an actor.  That is what the viewer accepted him as.  When this episode first ran, I found it hard to believe that Nelson (and Morton) would be good enough actors as to pull off their heinous assignment so seamlessly, especially since their hearts weren't in it.  (If their hearts weren't in it, why did they appear to be to so into their work?  And would not Crane have smelled a rat?)  Of course, the enemy agent impersonating Sharkey would probably be trained for just this kind of skullduggery. 

Mark says:
Many episodes of Voyage are distinguished by the cast’s acting chemistry. This episode, a taut suspense tale, features several well-played scenes, including an explosive clash between Nelson and Crane

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